MAYILPEELY is the print and digital Magazine for Children designed, written and illustrated by young writers and renowned artists with the guidance of Balagokulam. MAYILPEELY was launched in 1999 with an objective to support new gen to spark their imagination and to explore on their own with a bouquet of information through educational articles, stories, activities and interesting evidence based life lessons of legends & patriots which parent and kids can enjoy and evince.
Mayilpeely has a distinctive role in stimulate reading habit of students, build their intellect and deep root culture &character in them which in turn ensure it a prominent place among such other publications for Children. Mayilpeely Magazine has added 1.0 lakh more readers to reach a total of 1.4 lakh every month.
The Mayilpeely Young Scholar Exam for Upper Primary and High School level students started in 2017. The first Scholarship was awarded to the winners in May 2018 in a grand ceremony at MamanMappila Hall, Kottayam and again on July 11, 2019 at SahityaAkademi Hall, Trissivaperur.
Young Scholarship Exam, a knowledge hunt for youngsters, is conducted in two levels, through online and written examination for UP and High School students. Toppers will be awarded scholarship of worth Rs. 1,00,000/-. This Exam is tailored to assess the basic knowledge of students in all domains and paves the way to strategize them for various competitive exams. It’s an academically enriched and rewarding opportunity for all participants.
Today, the Mayilpeely Young Scholar Exam, which is designed and conducted as per the wishlist of parents and interest of children, has generated overwhelming response from all walks of life.
In view of the above, we crave the kind attention of all parents and well-wishers and humbly request your unstinted support by subscribing to MAYILPEELY Magazine. Your strenuous effort is also solicited to enrol maximum students to the Young Scholarship Exam and the outcome we can assure is the gaining of a competitive edge to all participants in their future studies.
Best Regards,
Mayilpeely Magazine.
(Exam Coordinator).